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 - NOMORESILENCE demonstrates how an individual can inspire change against even the most powerful adversaries through moral strength and public debate.

 - The project uses documentation to reveal how a large EU state and its corporation have profited from unlawfully acquired funds from another country.

 - Hierarchical and detailed correspondence with key individuals in that EU country has created a solid foundation for public discourse and moral accountability before a global audience, especially the U.S. public.

 - The project's goal is to use the written word, social media, and artificial intelligence to challenge the old paradigm that nothing can be done against the immorality of the powerful.

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The NOMORESILENCE project was launched with the goal of demonstrating that an individual's battle against the largest adversaries is possible. For the beginning, and at least as an inspirational and an unusual idea.

My name is Željko Markota. I am a telecommunication ( and edutainment ( entrepreneur from Zagreb, Croatia.

After over 20 years of following conventional legal paths in two EU countries, I realized that my problem — money that was illegally taken from me — can only be resolved through a public debate about morality in front of the global public, especially the public of the United States. This is why I started the NOMORESILENCE (NMS) project. I believe that the public will gain significant benefits from this fight based on principles of morality, which will also help resolve my issue.

NMS is a public project that, through the documentation and experience of a specific case, uncovers the modus operandi of large entities that disregard the rights of the small, manipulating the system of public morality and international trust. At the same time, the project demonstrates the superiority of morality, truth, and the public — supported by social media and AI — over the old paradigm that nothing can be done against the immorality of the powerful.

The initiator of the NMS project illegally lost a significant amount of money, which — through numerous system manipulations — ended up in the state budget of a large EU country**. The transaction was carried out through an international technology corporation* owned by that country, which has a branch in Croatia. Although the facts are well-documented and relatively clear, the power of this large EU country** has prevented institutions from protecting the law and morality, returning the illegally taken money, and preventing further violations of the law.

The initiator of the NMS project sent detailed and documented letters to 25 key political, cultural, and intellectual addresses in the mentioned large EU country**, demanding the return of the illegally taken money or the refutation of his claim that this money is in their state budget. The responses were reduced to silence or avoidance of meaningful conversation about the presented arguments. Given the positions of the recipients of these letters, it is clear that they have no moral objections to the fact that their country is funding its operations with money they know was illegally taken from an entrepreneur in a smaller country. In this way, the mentioned EU country has, de facto, defended the illegal and immoral actions done by a group of individuals, thus taking responsibility for the illegally appropriated money and accompanying irregularities.

Over the past two years, the initiator of the project, following a protocol of "brotherly admonition," has carefully and systematically informed numerous key governmental, political, cultural, and intellectual figures in the mentioned large EU country**. Letters were sent sequentially and hierarchically, aiming to ensure that this country became fully and undeniably aware of the fact that its state budget contains funds unlawfully taken from another country. Each letter was preceded by a thorough analysis of the recipient's social and official position, and in cases of cultural and intellectual figures, the content was contextualized through their prominent literary or scholarly works. Recipients of the letters were informed about the protocol guiding the initiator's actions, emphasizing that the issue should be resolved as an error requiring immediate moral reaction and correction, rather than as a situation to be justified through a complex system protecting immoral practices. The initiator believes that only this level of detailed and systematic awareness within the mentioned country can serve as a solid foundation for public discourse through books, essays, public tribunals, and similar formats.

It is unusual, and not common in Western countries, for a large EU country** to so openly legitimize filling its own state budget with money that was undeniably illegally taken from the rightful owner. One possible explanation is that the mentioned international technology corporation*, owned by that country, at the beginning of its highly successful global expansion, used immoral and illegal methods to suppress competition in Croatia. In this context, the current actions of the political leadership of the mentioned EU country** may indicate their problematic relationship with the illegalities that contributed to the international success of their corporation*.

The NMS project relies on combining personal strength with global public opinion and principles of public morality. Namely, it is completely unsustainable and indefensible that the mentioned EU country** and its large technology corporation* enjoy the benefits of the global world order based on human rights, public morality, and international trust, while simultaneously undermining it by supporting illegal and immoral actions that violate human rights, strengthen international domination, and erode trust among nations.

The initiator of the NOMORESILENCE project operates on the following assumptions:

  •  - For the public in the mentioned EU member state: Citizens of the mentioned Large EU country** neither know, nor would they approve, that the public services provided by their country have been funded from illegal money for over 20 years.
  •  - For the global public: After learning about the true ethical profile of the Large EU country** and its Large Company* through the NMS project, global citizens will use such insights when purchasing products and services from the mentioned country and company, all within the framework of the right to an informed purchasing decision.
  •  - The Large EU country** has committed significant and documented illegalities during the expansion of the Large Company* in Croatia and worldwide, which must become known to every citizen of the mentioned country, as well as to all citizens of the world.
  •  - In today's globalized world, interconnected through shared trade, media, and social networks, the position of the mentioned EU country and its company is entirely unsustainable. On one hand, they seek to reap the benefits of the global world order built on public morality and respect for others, while on the other hand, they reap the rewards of immorality and the violation of human rights.
  •  - Through patient and highly detailed correspondence with the mentioned company and its country, the initiator of this project has thoroughly acquainted them with all key facts down to the smallest details, as well as the necessity of resolving this issue—either by challenging the presented evidence or by returning the unlawfully acquired funds.

Due to its concrete documentation and instructive correspondence with key individuals and institutions in the mentioned EU country**, I believe that reading these documents and participating in the NMS project will inspire many citizens to fight more decisively for their human rights. On the other hand, international corporations and countries will have the opportunity to see how it is best to correct mistakes immediately and transparently, rather than creating complex systems that support immorality and protect illegal profits.

The mentioned EU country and its company have been anonymized in this phase of the NMS project with the aim of obtaining the highest quality and most objective essays in the first essay writing competition.

Here you can find additional information about the first of those actions as well as the story behind the NMS project.