Campaign of Writing Citizen Letters to the Government of the EU Country in Question
The third step involves organizing a campaign of writing citizen letters to the Government of the Large EU country** in question. This step will run concurrently with the book publishing action. Namely, the initiator of the NOMORESILENCE project firmly believes that the EU country in question is successful and wealthy enough, which is why it is necessary to conclude that the theft of money in another country is merely the result of the actions of a certain number of irresponsible individuals, rather than a result of systematic thinking by that country. Due to this, a campaign will be organized for citizens of that country to write letters to their government and parliament, in which they will persuade their politicians that their country can be even more prosperous and successful without stolen money in its state budget. Learn more...
The Citizen Letters Campaign webpage will be available only after the Decoding the Dilemma (DtD) essay writing competition has been completed.