- The Citizen's Letters Campaign is a structured initiative encouraging citizens of the large EU country to write to their government, urging them to address unlawfully acquired funds in their national budget.
- This campaign is based on the belief that the issue stems from the actions of specific irresponsible individuals rather than a systemic decision by the entire nation.
- Participants will have access to verified documentation and structured guidelines to help them compose persuasive, fact-based letters rooted in moral reasoning and justice.
- The campaign aims to test the moral consistency of the country’s leadership and demonstrate whether ethical arguments from its own citizens can influence political decision-making.
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Campaign of Writing Citizen Letters to the Government of the Large EU Country
The next stage of the NOMORESILENCE project involves organizing a citizen-driven letter-writing campaign aimed at the government and parliament of the large EU country in question. This action will run concurrently with the publication of the project’s books and the development of public discourse.
The campaign is built on the firm belief that the large EU country in question has the economic strength, global reputation, and moral responsibility to resolve this issue. The unlawful appropriation of funds from another country cannot be seen as a deliberate, systemic action of an entire nation, but rather as the consequence of specific irresponsible individuals operating within its institutions and corporations. The citizens of that country now have the opportunity to address this issue themselves.
Through this campaign, the citizens of the large EU country will be encouraged to write directly to their government and parliamentary representatives, urging them to acknowledge the existence of unlawfully acquired funds in their national budget and to take corrective action. These letters will emphasize that their country’s success and prosperity do not need to be tainted by financial misconduct. Instead, citizens can advocate for a more transparent, just, and morally accountable governance that enhances the integrity and reputation of their nation on the global stage.
A Structured and Thoughtful Initiative
This letter-writing campaign is not designed as an impulsive or emotional reaction but as a structured, well-thought-out initiative grounded in rational discourse, moral reasoning, and the principles of justice. Participants will have access to verified documentation, key arguments, and structured guidelines to help formulate persuasive, fact-based letters.
The project’s initiator sees this campaign as an essential step in bridging the gap between political leadership and civic morality. The campaign does not merely aim to reclaim one individual’s stolen funds but seeks to challenge a dangerous precedent: if powerful states can absorb unlawfully obtained private assets without accountability, global trust in public morality, justice, and human rights erodes.
Empowering Citizens for Change
By participating in this campaign, citizens of the large EU country will take an active role in restoring justice. Their voices, expressed through thoughtful and morally charged appeals, will serve as a testament to their commitment to ethical governance. Our wish is for the letters not to be confrontational. In that sense, our suggestion to letter writers will be to appeal to their leaders by invoking the fundamental values their country stands for.
It is expected that responsible political representatives, when faced with genuine concerns from their own citizens, will be prompted to reconsider the moral implications of their country’s actions. Political leaders must understand that their electorate does not wish to benefit from money taken in an unlawful and unjust manner.
This campaign is also an opportunity for global citizens to witness whether the political leadership of the large EU country is responsive to moral arguments presented by its own people. In this way, it serves as a test of moral consistency for the country’s institutions and a demonstration of whether justice and ethics still hold weight in the political decision-making process.
The Path Forward
The Citizen’s Letters Campaign will be fully launched after the conclusion of the Now: The Truth in David's Sling! (1) essay competition. Further details, including templates, key arguments, and logistical guidelines, will be provided on this webpage.
By standing together and making their voices heard, citizens can influence their nation’s path toward justice, accountability, and ethical governance. The NOMORESILENCE project believes that collective moral action can lead to real change, and this campaign is a crucial step in demonstrating that power. Learn more...
The Citizen Letters Campaign webpage will be available only after the “Now: The Truth in David's Sling! (1)” essay writing competition has been completed.